44th Year

Our Board of Directors Chairman, Suvar Bahadır

Suvar Bahadır
1975 Siverek doğumludur. Maden mühendisi olup, Bahadır Şirketler Grubu Yönetim Kurulu Başkanlığı görevine devam etmektedir.

Message from Our Board of Directors Chairman

As Bahadır Group of Companies, since the first day of our establishment, we have been building trust and stability, adding value to the employment and development of our country, guided by our principles and experiences.

For 44 years, we take great pride in implementing numerous projects in the transportation, energy, mining, infrastructure, and construction sectors with a leadership-driven approach; we are also excited about the projects we continue to carry out with great dedication.

In these days when we, as Bahadır Group, are excited about our concrete road project, which is a first in Turkey; we take great pride in starting and continuing the construction of the concrete road along the Şırnak Cizre – Oyalı Junction, İpekyolu route. By procuring state-of-the-art machinery and equipment from abroad, we have specialized in the construction of our project and are working diligently to bring the first concrete road construction in our country to Cizre. As Bahadır Group, we are implementing a high-standard road construction by using modern construction techniques and quality materials in the project. In the scope of road construction activities, we aim to provide the highest standards of service to the region and strengthen the transportation infrastructure.

The construction work for 210 shops in the GİMAT commercial site, Phase 1, Zone 1, located in the Saray neighborhood of Kahramankazan district, Ankara, which is tendered by the Toplu Konut İdaresi Başkanlığı, is progressing at full speed. Upon completion of our project, we will have succeeded in increasing the trade capacity of the region and providing a modern commercial area to the business world.

The Oğuzeli district, one of the developing districts of Gaziantep, is undergoing a significant transformation thanks to the efforts of our company. Our company has initiated the construction of 346 housing units and 1 commercial center with 3 shops, along with infrastructure and landscaping works.

Our group, which follows innovations in the world and our country, has undertaken the construction of the connection roads to Filyos, the point where the Black Sea natural gas reaches the shore, which is one of the most prestigious projects in our country. The project is nearing completion. Within the scope of this project, the connection road to Filyos Port has reached the completion phase.

Once again, our work continues rapidly in the road construction that connects Siirt Province with Pervari District, one of the important axes of our country's road network, through viaducts, bridges, underpasses and overpasses, structures, and connection roads.

Additionally, the construction of the 61+766 km road connecting Şanlıurfa Ceylanpınar and Mardin Kızıltepe districts, along with the 7 km ring road, has reached the completion phase.

The construction of the drinking water and transmission lines in Şanlıurfa Suruç District is progressing rapidly, and thus our esteemed city will soon have access to clean drinking water that has undergone treatment.

In the field of energy, Solar Power Plants (GES), Wind Power Plants (RES), and Hydroelectric Power Plants (HES) activities are ongoing, and at the same time, our Solar Power Plant (GES) established in Sivrihisar, Eskişehir has been commissioned, completing the national grid connection and starting energy production.

I sincerely thank our business partners, managers, team members, and all stakeholders who support us, believing that together we will achieve great successes.

As Bahadır Group of Companies, I firmly believe that with a professional perspective every new day; tirelessly, with great confidence, and with a leadership-driven and principled approach, we will always achieve even greater successes.



Our Board of Directors Chairman

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